A downloadable game

FuelRush RoboDroid is a final project for 2021's Computer Graphic and Animation class in Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN). 

You must guide an expedition android to reach its charging station before it runs out of energy. The expedition android can move between tiles, destroy crates, and push rocks.

Control: WASD or Arrow Keys to move between tiles, destroy nearby crate, and push nearby rock. 

Team Name: GAMERIC

Team Members:

  • Denn Sebastian Emmanuel
  • Adinda Ramadhani Wibowo
  • Billy Natanael Wongkar
  • David Erik Junanta
  • Devin Hidayat
  • Edgar Evert Oscar


GAMERIC FuelRush RoboDroid Build.zip 56 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Run "GAMERIC_FuelRush_RoboDroid.exe".

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